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How to Cool Down After a Hard Workout

How to Avoid Injuries with a Proper Cool Down

A proper workout routine harvests many great benefits for many different reasons. Physical  activity can lower the risk of obesity and other diseases, enhance mood and emotional stability, support regular sleep patterns and boost self-esteem. All of these benefits serve to greatly improve your overall health. Furthermore, working out provides natural solutions to all the ailments associated with aging. As a result, individuals who workout regularly are usually the most jovial people.

While an effective workout reaps positive rewards, your body also requires a proper cool down period when you are finished. Just like machinery, the human body needs proper maintenance, and that is why cool down exercises are required after every workout. These are lighter exercises that help your body to re-adjust from a period of strenuous activity into a resting period. Below is a guide on how to properly cool down after a hard workout:

First, you should stretch for a couple of minutes immediately after you finish your workout. According to orthopedic surgeons, this is one of the best ways to recover to a relaxed state. Stretching helps return your muscles back to their maximum length-tension while simultaneously restoring your body’s physiological systems to a comfortable state.

As per the recommendations of sports medicine doctors, stretching your muscles while they are warm can help to accelerate and improve their flexibility. You should stretch for about 10 to 20 minutes after your daily workout. This stretching process is not painful, but in the event that you suffer any pain or injury, you should immediately contact Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht, a San Francisco sports medicine doctor.

Another recommendation is to examine your body’s response to simple and easy jumping movements after your workout. It is not advisable to overwork your muscles or the circulatory system during your daily workout, as this can lead to fainting or injury. If it is your first time and you are unaware of how to closely monitor the response of your body, you can seek advice from an expert. He/she will guide you through the exercise process and monitor your post-workout bodily response. You can also visit a Bay Area orthopedic doctor where he/she will monitor your movements and post-workout tendencies.

Finally, being sure to re-hydrate after a workout is another means of cooling down. This is imperative since you lose water when you are exercising and sweating and your body’s water supply must be replenished. Drinking water can help you reduce muscle soreness and increase flexibility and strength.

If you’re injured during or after a workout, consult Dr. Jeffrey Halbretch

Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht is a pioneer in minimally invasive techniques in sports injuries, and currently involved in research on the treatment of articular cartilage injuries and new techniques in arthroscopic surgery. If you’ve developed any sports injuries, such as knee, ACL or shoulder injuries, contact Dr. Halbrecht’s office directly at 415-923-0944, or book an appointment online.

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