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The Most Common Swimming Injuries and Their Prevention

Swimming may not be a contact sport, but it demands rigorous training and endurance. Highly repetitive motions involved in this sport make swimmers prone to the upper limb, spine, and knee injuries.

Here, we discuss the most common injuries obtained during swimming and their prevention strategy.

1. Impingement Syndrome

The Impingement Syndrome also referred to as a Thrower’s Syndrome strikes the shoulder joint of the swimmer. When affected by this condition, a swimmer feels acute pain in the anterior part of their shoulder. It was believed that rotator cuff tendonitis caused this syndrome. However, recent research has revealed that this condition manifests itself as a result of muscle fatigue or laxity. Impingement Syndrome can be prevented by doing certain exercises and stretches that strengthen a swimmer’s muscles and tendons. Physiotherapy can also prove to be helpful in preventing this condition. People affected by the Impingement Syndrome are usually prescribed pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines and rest.

2. Breaststroke Knee

In general, swimmers who prefer breaststroke to any other style of swimming, are at a higher risk of experiencing knee pain. Sometimes, it so happens that if while doing the ‘whip kick’ movement of breaststroke, a swimmer’s knee is poorly placed, there comes excessive pressure on the knee joint as well as the collateral ligament. When afflicted by this syndrome, the ligament becomes strained. This condition is referred to as Breaststroke Knee. The Breaststroke Knee is a specific condition where a swimmer’s knee becomes swollen and they experience acute pain while doing any physical activity. A swimmer can easily prevent the Breaststroke Knee by doing regular warm up and cool down sessions. Stretches, exercises, and physiotherapy can prove to be equally helpful. Though Breaststroke Knee can be usually treated with medication, in some cases, surgery may be required.

3. Butterfly Back Injury

Butterfly Back Injury affects the lower back area of swimmers. While performing the butterfly stroke, the spine stays constantly arched. This puts excessive pressure on the lumbar vertebrae which is located at the lower end of the spine. When a person is afflicted by this syndrome, they experience pain in their lower back. Not just that, they may also experience swelling in the lower back region. The Butterfly Back Injury can be prevented by stretching properly before performing the butterfly stroke. In order to prevent this form of injury, butterfly swimmers must also extend their warm-up time. This condition is treated by using the right combination of anti-inflammatory and pain relief medicines and physiotherapy.

If you suffer from a swimming injury or any other sports injuries, schedule an appointment today with Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht.

If you are looking for an Orthopedic Surgeon or a Shoulder and Knee Injury specialist in the San Francisco Bay Area, you should pay Dr. Jeffrey Halbrecht a visit. Dr. Halbrecht is a veteran in the field of sports medicine. He works with a team of expert doctors who will make sure that you get proper advice and treatment.

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